
Taught Dialogue Class at High School

I taught a Dialogue 101 class yesterday to a high school creative writing club. It was an interesting experience. Half of the class interacted, the other half did not. School sure has changed in xx years (I’m not telling how many years). I guess the days of all the desks facing the teacher’s desk at the front are gone; in this class, paired desks face another set of paired desks. The biggest change was the use of cell phones. Aside from not having them “in my day”, I am sure they would not have been allowed during class if they did exist. Most of the students were texting or whatever but it didn’t distract those who actively participated with questions and talking about their writing. I had been told at a Professional Convention Management Association conference years ago that the younger people are able to follow along in a class while playing with their phones. I guess it’s true. One of the teens spent the entire time seemingly focused on his cell but did the writing exercise. I didn’t think he was paying attention. Go figure. Different times. Different generation. I can watch TV and do light editing. Maybe we’re not so different?

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